If you are someone who is a frequent traveler or you love to hang out with friends, go with them to dinners and eating places. It’s nice to go out with friends for dinner, cherish some old memories, and enjoy the food but the problem steps in when it’s the time to pay the bill. Often I have seen arguments over the table regarding who will pay the bill, that’s how friends are. But to rescue you from this situation there is an application called Fizz Bill Now that will calculate the bill to be paid by each person.
Now, the drawback here is that the application is only useful if all the people agree to pay the equal amount, this means that the bill be divided equally among all. What if it’s not the case and someone refuses to pay when he/she had only a drink or only salad. Under this situation the application fails miserably. What this application does is very simple, you just need to key in the total amount and the percentage of the tip to be paid along with the number of people among the bill is to be divided equally. This application then divides the total amount by the number of people and displays the result as the amount to be paid by single person.
It’s not always right to rely on applications for calculations; you can also do simple calculation yourself as it’s more convenient to ask your mind rather than asking a creation of mind. But if you can’t then revert to Fizz Bill Now will be a smart choice rather than making wrong calculations and getting a piece from everyone at the dinner table.
Well, Fizz Bill Now could have been more useful and more functional if it had currency converted integrated with it so that you can know easily what bill amount you need to pay on your trips abroad.