Bharti Airtel the leading GSM mobile service provider in India has brought in a unique ISD offers for their customers this diwali.Now get to greet your loved ones across oceans for 5 minutes and that too free.
Airtel has brought this plan across the states of Kerala and Andhra Pradesh where Airtel customers can speak with their loved ones for 5 free minutes only after being charged for the initial 5 minutes as per the default tariff plan. Here is the tricky part so now let me explain.
On calling US/ Canada/ Singapore/ HongKong /China from your Home circle you would be charged for first 5 mins as per ISD rates and if you continue the call you will get the next 5 minutes free.Beyond that again your next 5 minutes would be charged followed by the next 5 minutes being free.
Please note this would be applicable only if you speak continuously within the same call for more than 5 minutes. This offer is being extended by default to all prepaid customers.The offer period is valid till 02-NOV-09 only.
This offer is valid only when you are calling ISD destinations in US/ Canada/ Singapore/Hongkong/China from your Home circle.All customers on RC 79 availing discounted ISD tariff are not eligible for this offer.