Just think about your iphone or ipod touch getting lost and that will be enough to stir you. There is no way you can ever thinking of losing your device which costs in hundreds of dollars. Well, to reduce your worries and give you peace of mind a little bit though, If Found is there. If Found is a free iphone application which will increase your chances of getting your lost iphone or ipod touch back.
The application is developed by polka networks which actually does what its name says. It displays an If Found message of the screen of your iphone so that the person who has found your iphone can know whome he should contact to. You can also personalize the message but the topic of argument that remains here is that why would someone return your iphone or ipod touch, a device that is so famous that it does not require any introduction to it. You really have to lucky to encounter an honest person.
One you have installed the application you will see two fields you can fill up. The field bar contains you emergency phone number and the other field bar contains your personalized message which should not exceed 35 characters. The smart thing according to me will be if you put your email id in there or any of your other contact number or any means by which the founder can contact you immediately. I have seen people putting in display message such as finder’s reward but they should realize that no reward is good enough to exceed the cost of iphone.
Once you have customized all this information, you then need to customize the screen wallpaper on which you want it to display. Just set the wallpaper and hope for the best.